Excel - Create a new workbook
Excel documents are called workbooks. Each workbook has sheets, typically called spreadsheets. You c
Excel - Apply cell borders
Select the cell or range of cells that you want to add a border to.
On the Home tab, in the Font
Excel - Apply cell shading
1. Select the cell or range of cells that you want to apply cell shading to.
2. On the Hom
Excel - Use Autosum to add your data
When you’ve entered numbers in your sheet, you might want to add them up. A fast way to do that is b
Excel - Create a simple formula
Adding numbers is just one of the things you can do, but Excel can do other math as well. Try some s
Excel - Apply a number format
To distinguish between different types of numbers, add a format, like currency, percentages, or date
Excel - Put your data in a table
A simple way to access Excel’s power is to put your data in a table. That lets you quickly filter or
Excel - Conditional Formatting
Conditional formatting or sparklines can highlight your most important data or show data trends. Use
Excel - Sort your data
To quickly sort your data
Select a range of data, such as A1:L5 (multiple rows and columns)
Excel - Filter your data
Select the data that you want to filter.
On the Data tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click Filt