Asta Powerproject - Creating a task by drawing on the bar chart
- Position the mouse pointer so that it is over bar 2 and slightly later than the task on bar 1.
- Press and hold down the left mouse button, then drag the cursor to the right. As you drag, a popup box displays the start date, finish date and duration of the task you are drawing:
- Using the date zone and the popup as a guide, release the mouse button when the task is two days in length.
- Click away from the task to deselect it.
Notice that Asta Powerproject places the duration and start date of the task into the spreadsheet, but does not give it a name.
- Click in bar 2 in the Name column, type Task 2, then press ENTER to finish editing.
New tasks snap to a time unit (for example, hours, days or weeks) by default, making it easier to draw tasks with consistent durations. Tasks created using this template snap to a time unit of days, so each task you create will initially have a duration that is measured in whole days. You can change the snapping time unit, or turn off bar chart snapping.