Asta Powerproject - Changing the scale of the bar chart
The task that you have created may not appear as large as it does in the illustration in the previous lesson, depending on the current scale of your bar chart. The date zone appears at the top of the bar chart and gives scale to your projects. This lesson shows you how to change the scale of the bar chart instantly by dragging the date zone.
- Place the mouse pointer over a tick line (the small red vertical lines) in the date zone so that the cursor changes to .
- Hold down the left mouse button and drag the tick line to the right. The date zone redraws as you drag, so that you can see the effect of your changes immediately.
- Release the drag when the task appears approximately twice the size as it was before.
Notice how the appearance of the task has changed, but its duration remains five days. This is because you have altered the scale of the bar chart, not the duration of the task.
- Now click and drag a tick line in the date zone to the left to make the task appear smaller.
You can display up to three scale zones on the bar chart, and display information using a different scale in each zone. For example, you could display zones representing the past, present and future, in which information relating to the past and future is displayed using a small scale and information relating to the present is displayed using a large scale (in detail), as illustrated below:
The date zone is configurable: you can choose the lines that appear in it and reorder their position. You will now configure the date zone so that it includes the line that shows the date:
- Right-click the bottom line of the date zone.
- Select the Insert Line submenu, then select the Date (1-31) command.
The new line appears in your date zone above the bottom line. If the new line only displays tick lines and you cannot actually see the dates, this is because the scale of the date zone is too small to display them. If this is the case, click and drag one of the tick lines to the right until the dates appear.
You can specify the order in which the lines in the date zone appear by dragging them up and down in the date zone. Try this now, by dragging the line that shows the date to the bottom of the date zone:
- Left-click in the line that shows the date.
- Holding down the left mouse button, drag the line to the bottom of the date zone, then release the mouse button:
The line is moved to the bottom of the date zone.
You can hide lines that are currently displayed in the date zone. To do this, right-click a line in the date zone and select Hide This Line.